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Intelligence Structure Battery – 2
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Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.15.01 or higher.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Measures the level and structure of the intelligence in accordance with the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) model, on the basis of five ability factors (fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, quantitative thinking, visual processing and long-term memory). This modular test provides both a quick global overview of intelligence level and a nuanced and detailed assessment. It is used in decision-oriented psychological assessment, enabling specific issues to be clarified accurately and economically. INSBAT-2 is mainly used in the Job & Career areas as well as in academic testing.

Test forms+

Two test forms are available. They differ regarding their subtest selection and presentation.

The standard form S1 consists of twelve subtests and is suitable for comprehensive measurement of performance. To ensure test security, this test form (S1) is only intended for administration under supervision.

The screening form S2 consists of three subtests – Figural Inductive Reasoning, Verbal Fluency, and Mathematical Flexibility – and can be used for testing without supervision.

Both test forms can be administered adaptively or randomized.


Depending on the subtest, the respondent’s answers are given either in multiple-choice format or as automated free responses. The five ability factors are measured with the following item material:

Fluid intelligence:

  • Figural inductive reasoning: The ninth field of a 3x3 matrix of symbols must be filled with one of eight possible symbols in accordance with the underlying rules.
  • Numerical inductive reasoning: Identifying the rules on which a number sequence is based and using them to continue the sequence.
  • Verbal deductive reasoning: Two statements must be logically combined and a conclusion drawn from them.

Crystallized intelligence:

  • Text comprehension: A text has to be read and then questions on this text have to be answered.
  • Word meaning: A synonym for a given word must be selected. The test uses a multiple-choice format.
  • Verbal fluency: An unordered series of letters must be turned into a meaningful noun.

Quantitative thinking:

  • Mathematical problem-solving ability: The respondent solves text calculation tasks.
  • Mathematical flexibility: A given equation must be solved by inserting the correct arithmetical operations.
  • Mathematical estimation: A calculation is shown. The respondent states which of four answers is closest to the correct answer.

Visual processing:

  • Visualization: For a figure that has been cut into pieces, the correct figure must be selected from five responses.
  • Mental rotation: Hose figures are shown. The respondent specifies from which perspective a comparison figure is shown.

Long-term memory:

  • Long-term memory: This subtest consists of a memorization phase, an intermediate phase, and a test phase pertaining to relevant information about fictitious persons.

Cognitive abilities


English (USA)



The duration depends on the selection of the subtests, the type of presentation, or the predefined target reliability.


Norms for ages 14+.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Proctored Mode

Open Mode

Products specifications
Test typeIntelligence Test Batteries
LanguagesEnglish (USA), German