

Author: G. Schuhfried
Professional Interest and Orientation Test

Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.17.00 or higher.

Field of Application+


Detailed Description+

The PRIO is an interest test for identifying academic or occupational interests, for use from the age of 12 onwards. The test allows for a sound assignment of the respondent to professional environments. It is therefore primarily suited for use in the context of making occupational and training-related career decisions (e.g. occupational orientation, occupational decisions, in-house career or HR decisions, selection of schooling and studies, selection of vocational training).

Main application areas: Human resources, job & career, academic testing, but also in the area of occupational reintegration

Test forms+

One test form is available.


The respondent's task is to specify to which extent certain jobs may or may not be interesting for them. After the instruction phase, the items are presented in succession on the screen. Each individual activity is shown with a picture and a corresponding term (e.g. "read books”). The respondent provides his or her answers via a slider (a visual analog scale). The PRIO can be presented both on a desktop and on mobile end devices.


Work-related aspects of personality


English (USA)




The time required for the test is approximately 8 minutes.


Norms from the age of 12 to 60.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Proctored Mode

Open Mode

Products specifications
Languages English (USA), German, Italian
Test information test form available for online presentation - open mode <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Online presentation - open mode means that at least one test form can be administered in an unsupervised online setting (such as in an internet browser)."></i>, modular <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="A test is described as modular if the user can decide which scales or subtests are to be presented. "></i>
Dimensions Work-related aspects of personality
Test type Attitude and Interest Tests