

Author: W. Sturm
Perception and attention functions battery: Vigilance/Sustained attention

Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.0.00 or higher.

This product requires an additional device. For more information please contact us.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Measures vigilance and sustained attention, subfunctions of attention.

Eight test forms are available, which make it possible to measure vigilance or sustained attention with different stimulus modes (visual or auditory) or test durations (30 or 15 min). Vigilance and sustained attention differ in the frequency of the relevant stimuli.

Attention performances are important for the successful handling of the tasks that the individual encounters in daily life. They are not independent of other skills but are a constituent of many processes of perception, memory, planning and acting, spatial orientation and problem-solving. Attention functions are thus basic skills that are required in almost every practical or intellectual activity. Many neurological and psychological disorders and diseases have an adverse effect on different aspects of attention performance. Therefore, the model and guideline compliant (GNP) WAFV test is primarily used in clinical neuropsychological investigations. It is also also used for personnel selection (especially in the field of manufacturing & safety assessments) and for traffic psychological investigations. 

Test forms+

8 test forms (4 long and 4 short forms) are available.
Test forms: Vigilance (visual, auditory), sustained attention (visual, auditory). The short forms for sustained attention have been developed especially for children and young people.


The respondent reacts as soon as he/she notices an intensity change in a presented visual or auditory stimulus.







English (USA)


Chinese (Taiwan)









Between 18 and 32 minutes, depending on the test form.


Norms for ages 7+.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Products specifications
LanguagesChinese (Taiwan), Czech, Dutch, English (USA), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish
Test informationwide norm spectrum <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="In tests with a wide norm spectrum the norms cover a wide age range (wider than ages 16-84), or multiple norm samples (at least two) are available."></i>, language-free item material <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="A test that uses language-free item material is one that can be worked by a respondent with no linguistic knowledge, provided that the instructions have been understood (for example with support from the test administrator)."></i>, links to CogniPlus <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="For tests that are linked to CogniPlus there is a CogniPlus training program specifically designed to train the ability measured by the test."></i>, additional device required <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="A SCHUHFRIED peripheral device (e.g. a Response Panel) is needed for proper administration of the test."></i>, high level of test security <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="A test has a high level of test security if steps have been taken to prevent disclosure of the answers or answer scheme. Examples of such steps include prevention of unsupervised online testing, the provision of parallel test forms and the use of objective personality tests and adaptive tests."></i>, supervisor-supported testing <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The supervisor describes the tasks verbally. A sample task is then presented. This promotes interaction between the supervisor and respondent."></i>