

Fitness to Drive Plus

Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.0.00 or higher.

This product requires an additional device. For more information please contact us.

Field of Application+


Detailed Description+

The test set DRIVEPLS – Fitness to Drive Plus is used to measure individuals’ driving-related ability in order to assess their fitness to drive.

It assesses driving-related ability on the basis of the dimensions of obtaining an overview, logical reasoning, concentration, stress tolerance, and ability to react. In addition to the results of the individual tests, an overall assessment of the respondent’s driving-related ability is provided. The overall assessment, which is reported using a four-point scale, takes account of the possibility of compensating for performance deficits through strengths in other ability ranges.

The DRIVEPLS test set is based on the DRIVESTA test set. In addition to the five dimensions of the DRIVESTA test set it tests peripheral perception, which is needed for estimation of speed, control of the vehicle and monitoring of the driving environment. Adding the dimension of peripheral perception increases the time and effort involved in testing. However, this also increases the validity of the result. DRIVESTA and DRIVEPLS have a wide variety of uses in two important application areas: Firstly, they can be used to identify performance impairments in potentially dangerous drivers, for example in connection with alcohol and substance abuse, age-related deterioration in ability or psychiatric abnormalities. Secondly, they are used in the selection of “drivers with increased responsibility”, including drivers of taxis, buses and trucks carrying hazardous loads.





English (USA)


Chinese (Taiwan)











Test administration+

Controlled Mode


The DRIVEPLS test set comprises the following dimensions and tests:
Dimensions Tests Test forms Duration in min.
Total length if all dimensions are presentedapprox. 55
Planning the journey
Logical reasoning AMT S6 approx. 10
Executing the journey
Concentration COG S11 approx. 10
Dealing with unforeseen situations
Stress tolerance, reactive DT S1 approx. 6
Ability to react RT S3 approx. 6
Obtaining an overview - traffic right-hand traffic/left-hand traffic ATAVT S5/S6 approx. 8
Peripheral perception PP-R S1 approx. 15

Products specifications
Languages Chinese (Taiwan), Czech, Dutch, English (USA), Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish
Test information cross-test scoring <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="In addition to the results of the individual tests or test dimensions, a cross-test score, such as a FIT score, is also reported. This enables general test performance to be rapidly interpreted."></i>, test(s) specifically adapted for test set <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="At least one test has been adapted for administration in the test set. For example, a specifically adapted test may have been shortened to reduce the overall testing time. The psychometric properties of all adaptations have been investigated and confirmed."></i>, cross-test validation <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The practical value of the test set has been demonstrated in at least one validation study."></i>, based on statutory requirements <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The contents of the test set - in other words, the ability and personality dimensions that are assessed - are based on statutory regulations and requirements."></i>, additional device required <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="A SCHUHFRIED peripheral device (e.g. a Response Panel) is needed for proper administration of the test."></i>