Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.28.00 or higher.
Field of Application+
Staff & Management Assessments
Job & Career Placement
Safety & Security Assessment
Academic Testing
Detailed Description+
The MECH test measures the cognitive ability to understand mechanical principles and successfully solve mechanical and technical problems through mechanical-technical comprehension. MECH was designed in particular for use in the areas of human resource management, jobs & career placement, and education.
Test forms+
A test form is available that can be adapted individually depending on the use case. The test items of the MECH can be presented adaptively, randomized, or linearly depending on the setting. Easy, medium, and difficult forms are available for all three presentation types. In addition, the test duration and abort criteria can be defined individually.
The respondent's task is to understand mechanical principles and to work mechanical-technical problems. Each item shows a machine consisting of several parts. These parts are connected to each other by joints and their specific configuration enables a defined movement sequence. Each machine contains one part that prevents this movement. The respondent must use visual analysis and mechanical-technical comprehension to identify which part is preventing the correct movement and select that part. The test is carried out within a time limit, and each task must to be completed within two minutes.
Depending on the configuration, a test duration between approx. 7 and 29 must be expected.
Depending on the configuration, a test duration between approx. 7 and 29 must be expected.
Test administration+