Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.0.00 or higher.
This product requires an additional device. For more information please contact us.
Field of Application+
Staff & Management Assessments
Job & Career Placement
Safety & Security Assessment
Academic Testing
Detailed Description+
The SAAIR – Safety Assessment Aviation test set assesses aspects of personality and cognitive ability that are relevant to aviation safety. It measures criteria such as stress tolerance, memory, visual-spatial ability and psychomotor coordination, but also personality traits such as conscientiousness and emotional stability. The majority of the dimensions has been validated with regard to their ability to predict success in a flight simulator test. The tests used have been shown to meet the highest psychometric standards.
SAAIR is optimized with regard to the needs of civilian and military aviation and covers three areas: pilot selection, preselection for a flight simulator test and regular assessments of flight aptitude. SAAIR can be used to select pilots of all types, such as aircraft pilots, sports aircraft pilots, helicopter pilots and airship pilots.
It can reduce not only the institutional burden of the selection process but also the burden on respondents in terms of both time and physical and mental stress. A generally high level of ability in all relevant areas can be regarded as a basic condition for coping successfully with the cognitive demands placed on pilots.
Test administration+
The SAAIR test set comprises the following dimensions and tests:
Dimensions | Tests | Test forms | Duration in min. |
Total length if all dimensions are presented | approx. 187 |
Cognitive abilities |
Memory | VISGED | S11 | approx. 13 |
Logical reasoning | INSBAT | S2 | approx. 31 |
Numerical ability | INSBAT | S2 | approx. 40 |
Spatial ability | A3DW | S1 | approx. 29 |
Resilience |
Stress tolerance, reactive | DT | S1 | approx. 6 |
Attention |
Focused attention | SIGNAL | S3 | approx. 25 |
Vigilance – Aviation | VIGIL | S1 | approx. 28 |
Sensomotor functions |
Eye-hand coordination | SMK | S1 | approx. 10 |
Personality determinants |
Emotional stability | BFSI | S1 | approx. 1 |
Extraversion | BFSI | S1 | approx. 1 |
Conscientiousness | BFSI | S1 | approx. 1 |
Openness | BFSI | S1 | approx. 1 |
Agreeableness | BFSI | S1 | approx. 1 |