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Author: Schuhfried
Test combination: Personality and work-related cognitive competence
Field of Application+
Detailed Description+

The combination of the B5PS personality test with the cognitive ability test SMART makes it possible to test important factors for professional success. This combination is suitable both for investigations in personnel selection as well as personnel development. The right mix of ability and personality helps users to make a prediction about whether applicants can develop into successful employees and also for targeted supporting of employees in personnel development. 
The work-related materials of the B5PS personality test and the SMART ability test offer support in making a realistic assessment of personality in a professional context. The materials of the personality tests are particularly suited for candidates who already have professional experience and therefore can ideally imagine themselves in the corresponding described situations. The SMART ability test includes work-related tasks with corresponding overarching work-related story outlines which makes it possible to achieve high criterion validity in addition to face validity.


English (USA)



For all tests included in the test combination, there is proof for content validity as well as on construct and criterion validity. Construct validity could be proven via the analysis of the correlations with construct-related and construct-unrelated tests. In addition, confirmatory factor analyses prove the factor structure of the tests used. In addition, there is proof for external criteria such as work effort or success, or results from other very similar tests are generalized for the tests.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Proctored Mode

Open Mode

Dimensions measured
Dimensions Tests Test forms Duration in min.
Total duration 74 minutes
Extraversion, team orientation, conscientiousness, resilience, flexibility B5PS S4 7
Cognitive abilities
Logical reasoning, numerical ability, verbal ability SMART S2 67
Products specifications
Reports Report-MANAGEMENT, Report-SALES, Report-STAFF
Languages English (USA), German
Test information cross-test scoring <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="In addition to the results of the individual tests or test dimensions, a cross-test score, such as a FIT score, is also reported. This enables general test performance to be rapidly interpreted."></i>