Verbal Learning Test

Please note that this product can only be administered if you have a valid Vienna Test System administration software license for VTS online or a local VTS version 8.0.00 or higher.

Field of Application+

Detailed Description+

Assesses language-based learning by means of high-associative and low-associative neologisms.
The memorized material is recalled using the recognition method. The results of the VLT provide information about patients’ dual encoding ability. This test can be administered to healthy people as well as to people with brain damage, in whom it may be used to assess specific memory deficits. Together with impairments of attention, memory disorders are among the most frequent neuropsychological consequences of brain injury. Thorough neuropsychological assessment and differentiation of these memory impairments is essential for prognosis of the course of the disease, assessment of the patient’s work-related and social competence and the planning of appropriate rehabilitation.

Test forms+

S1: Long form A – standard form
S2: Short form A
S3: Long form B – parallel test form
S4: Short form B – parallel test form
S5: Visual discrimination test – for use with respondents of below-average ability


The respondent is presented with a series of neologisms.
For each one, the respondent decides whether he has already seen this combination of letters and presses the appropriate button.






approx. 9-12 minutes, depending on test form The visual discrimination test takes approximately three minutes.


Norms for ages 5+.

Test administration+

Controlled Mode

Products specifications
Test informationwide norm spectrum <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="In tests with a wide norm spectrum the norms cover a wide age range (wider than ages 16-84), or multiple norm samples (at least two) are available."></i>, parallel test form <i class="fas fa-info-circle tooltips test-info" data-container="body" data-placement="top" data-toggle="tooltip" title="In tests with parallel forms at least one test form is available with content that is entirely equivalent to another form of the test. However, the parallel test forms use different item material."></i>
Test typeSpecial Ability Tests